Category Archives: Uncategorized


I’ve made another blog that I’ll be using as a diary for my time in Minneapolis thats coming up. I’ll spend a semester in the mid-west and hope to keep a record of it through sketchbooks and this blog:

north wales

I just spent a weekend in an incredible cottage/restored barn in north wales. The couple who own it were real characters and had built it all themselves. Around the house were large collages they’d made of friends and family, very much inspired by them I made my own with the pictures i took over the weekend.

birds of flight and colour

some poster designs

my class has been designing open day posters and i’ve got them coming out my ears as i’m sure many have.

henningham family press

I recently entered a competition held by the Henningham Family Press, the brief was to draw/design/write something for any one of the seven days of creation in Genesis 1 and 2. I managed to win the seventh day and went along to help out with finishing the collaborative poster in Stoke Newington at one of the london word festival events.

I was inspired by seeing David (henningham) and his wife Ping in action… here’s one of their flyers.

easter book

I’ve spent the last couple of weeks reading through the easter story and made a book based on that reading and some of the church of england liturgy surrounding the time of easter.

The cloth on the cover is from an old deck chair that my friends gave me when i helped them move house last weekend. Re-using the cloth was a case of out with the old and in with the new, apt for a time of spring and new life.

here is a few photographs of various pages as well as some of the low-fi reproductions i made to send out to some friends.

journeyed cat